Well, I’m getting settled here in Colorado. My first day was a little bit of a
blur – jetlag kicked my butt! I met two of my humans when I first arrived. My
new dad is really tall! And he keeps saying “you’re alright!” Like he didn’t
think I would be, but now that he’s met me and has discovered how truly
wonderful I am, he’s really happy. When I went to bed he even asked me for a
hug, of course being the loving individual I am, I not only hugged him, but gave
him a kiss right on the mouth… or was that in the mouth?
My new mom loves me up all over! Miss Bunni, thanks for sending my instructions,
my new mom was a little out of whack at first, but now that she’s read the
instructions she’s much easier to train (shhhhh). Mom says she’s the boss, so
I’m going to agree with her.
My Jesse is “alright” as dad says. She gave me the most wonderful bed and I love
it! She’s going to be more difficult to train than mom because she’s not here
all the time, but I got to sleep in her room with her. She stays up too late for
me, though; I had to go to sleep! I missed my puppy pile at first, but Mom and
Jesse got me the most wonderful Frog – I just love him!
Mom and Jesse left for awhile and left me with Dad. It was great! I got to smell
everything! Then I had to poo and didn’t remember where the litterbox was! Dad
saw me being confused and took me to find the litterbox, but Mom had hidden it
and he couldn’t find it and then he finally found it and put me in there and I
did my business – I was so relieved! Dad didn’t have any treats, but he really
seemed happy, so I was happy too.
I must report there really are mountains here! We have two 7ers and a 5er! I
mastered the 5er on my first day, but the 7ers are a little overwhelming!
They’re really cool - they have ledges to rest on if you need to. They’re almost
like the ones back home, but much taller!
There’s a puppy in Mom’s room that is so cute! He looks just like me. Mom says
it is me. I was a little confused, so I kissed the other puppy anyway. He kissed
back! But it didn’t feel the same as when I got kissed back home…
For a little while this morning Mom, Dad and Jesse left me in my new play pen.
It’s very nice – I have my new bed, bathroom and my own diner as well as my
goodies. Mom wasn’t gone long. When she got home she was very happy to see me.
We had lap time for a few minutes, then we had Grooming Time. I wasn’t sure I
liked it at first, but then she gave me a tummy rub and before I knew it I was
all puffy and beautiful. Mom said something about, “don’t tell Fred we used his
comb” but I don’t think she was talking to me.
We went into the kitchen and I admired myself in this big black mirror that Mom
has just for me! I looked soooo handsome!
Then we had play time! There is a LOT of space here in Colorado. Mom let me run
and run in the living room and the kitchen. If I run on to the kitchen rug just
right I can slide all the way across the floor! Mom got a little scared when she
thought I was going to fall down the mountain, but I knew what I was doing. I’ve
been eyeballing this awesome wooden table and chairs that is in the kitchen.
Then I tasted it! They say NO a lot here, but I’m beginning to understand their
language better.
There is an invisible force field in the living room. I haven’t figured it out
yet. I was standing there looking up and saw something interesting, so I lifted
up to get a better look… and BAM! I hit my head on something that wasn’t there!
Mom thought it was pretty funny. I’ll figure it out and let you know!
I saw something really strange yesterday. Mom has a low window just for me in
the dining room so I can see out. We were looking outside and I saw what I
thought was another black puppy, but he had green eyes and a really long tail.
He came right up to the window and looked in. Mom told me he was a “puss cat”
then she asked him, “Where did you come from?” He didn’t answer her; he just
turned around and left. What is a puss cat?
My new house has a lot people living here. Mom told me that she, dad and Jesse
are humans and the rest are angels. Some have wings. They’re all really nice and
seem to be very happy I’m here. They all love me! My new neighbor Deb came to
meet me too. I really like her! She and mom talked about no humidity and higher
elevation. I guess I’ll be a-c-c-l-i-m-a-t-e-d before I know it!
Mom showed me her desk yesterday. She has papers all over it just for me! Well,
I thought they were for me, but she said they weren’t and gave me a nylabone.
There are nylabones everywhere here – they magically appear! I saw Dad’s office
too – he has LOTS of papers for me too! But then he said they weren’t for me
either. He didn’t have a nylabone – he just gave me back to Mom.
There’s so much to tell you, but I need a nap – Mom wore me out this morning!
Hugs and kisses to all!
Love Majik 