It's been two weeks now since I left all of you and I must admit, I've missed
you, but I really love my new family and best of all, they really love me.
Everyone is always so happy to see me every time I wake up and we have so much
fun together! We have all these special times together:
* Lap Time
* Grooming Time
* Snuggle Time
* Play Time
* Grooming Time
* Training Time
* Bath Time
* Grooming Time
* Face Washing Time
* Crate Time
* Grooming time
* Personal Space Time
You may have noticed, Mom's really into grooming. She combs me every day
so I'm exceptionally handsome all the time. And I love it when she
washes my face - she's so gentle, then she looks me right in the eye and tells
me how marvelous I am and cuddles me up! Life is really good here!
Dad thinks Mom over-handles me, he just doesn't know how much I love my
Thank you Big Time, Miss Bunni, for telling my new family how much I like a belly rub, and
that they should play with my feet, face and ears so grooming will be easier.
That was a good one! She hasn't figured out that feet, face and ear rubs
are heaven! My Jesse even rubs my "wings." "Wings" are legs
in Colorado, but Mom said something the other day about my being her little
angel, so I could be confused on this one.
Mom and I watched the video at Poodle Junction of me and the other puppies
getting our faces and feet groomed. Then she said something about Dad
having a mustache trimmer. Next thing I knew, my feet were "gorgeous"
according to Mom. Then the battery died in the clippers... Whew... I
was really happy about this, because I was a little concerned about Mom clipping
my face...
Last Saturday when Mom told me it was Grooming Time. She started by putting a
little powder in my ears - I wasn't sure about this so I let her know. She
told me something about she's the boss... and took me to the "Grooming
Room." She was serious! She had recharged the battery in Dad's
mustache clipper. Then she bathed me with that really good smelling stuff
that Jesse uses... By the time she got to my toenails I was exhausted and
went to sleep. When I woke up I almost didn't recognize myself - I was
just "gorgeous" all over and I smelled so good!
We have wonderful bath times here. I can see the entire kitchen and even
outside while I'm being bathed at the "spa." After my bath Mom squeezes me
out and rolls me up in my own towel. Then I shake all over her and run
like the wind. She's learned that I have to pee directly after a bath, so
I get to --run wild-- outside for a few minutes before she blows me dry. I
really get to snuggle while she uses the dryer on me - it's so warm and toasty!
Then she sings to me while she combs my hair and next thing you know - I'm in a
blissful nap - man-o-man do I have her trained...
My Personal Space Time is really important to me. Mom puts me in my play
pen with all my buddies, my personal diner, bathroom and several Nylabones.
I get to nap or play to my heart's content. Then when I'm done, I let Mom
know and she takes me out and loves me up. Sometimes Dad or Jess come to
get me.
I've trained my humans to say "No" a lot. "No Biting," "No Chewing..."
They've almost learned how puppies great one another by Puppy Kisses #1 - love
nibbles. Once they get it down, I'll just greet them with Puppy Kisses #2
- licking. We're getting close - they're very smart!
When Mom's working and I'm tired, she lets me
sleep on her desk right beside
her. One day I woke up and was chewing on a Nylabone and accidentally
pushed a button on the phone. I got a dial tone and Mom said, "don't push
redial!" Now I know what to do to call you guys - what was that 800 number
again?? Dad thinks I shouldn't be sleeping on Mom's desk because he's
afraid I'll fall. He just doesn't know how fast Mom's are when kids get
close to the edge...
Gotta get off Mom's computer!
Hugs and kisses to all!
Love, your Colorado son, Majik
