I've been in Colorado for a week now and I love it! Colorado is HUGE!
Mom took me outside with a blanket and we sat in the backyard for hours. I
explored and explored, then she said something about it being ok to get more
than ten feet away from her. I knew that! Then we had a picnic on
the blanket with my new dad. When mom wasn't looking he put a little gravy
on my special puppy food and gave it to me - yum, yum!
Mom and Dad like to take me on "walks." I call them "sniffing excursions."
There is so much to smell here! I can always tell when we're
getting close to our yard - it smells so good!
Oh, and God made dandelions just for me! I love dandelions!! Mom
says I shouldn't eat them - I'm not eating them, I'm tickling my tongue!!
On one of our sniffing excursions I met Cisco. He's a Mexican Chihuahua
that lives near us. I was really hoping we could be friends, but I have to
learn Spanish...
Then I met Harley, he looks a little like Dixie, but he smells different - and
he won't play with me. I try and try, but he won't play - maybe when I'm
bigger. Mom says I freak him out! I can't imagine why - surely he knows
what happiness looks like! Sometimes we meet at the fence in the backyard
and touch noses - some day...
You may remember in my previous letter I told you about the 7er and the two
9er's we have here. I learned how to go down the 7er the hard way.
It's at the end of my run from the dining room through the kitchen to the living
room. One night I was running just as fast as I could and missed the
turn... down the 7er I went... but I hopped up and ran back into the
kitchen - I was cool... Mom thinks I'm funny - she just laughs and laughs. Now I know when to slow down to make the curve!
You'd be so proud of me! I can go up AND down both 9er's in
our house too! Once I went down in front of mom and got nervous and had to
squeeze back into a ledge - that made me invisible, then when she passed I made
it down by myself. I'm amazing - only here a week and a seasoned mountain
Believe it or not, mom has
Majik Carpets in the kitchen just for me! I
love 'em, love 'em, love 'em! They are magical - Every time I walk by them
they follow me where ever I'm going...
The kitchen is one of my favorite places. I've trained Jesse to feed me...
Yup, trained her! She's really easy to train - she's so happy to please.
She'll sit on the stairs and flick my special puppy food to me across the floor.
We have the best time! I get full and she cracks up having such a good
My new family must have built our house just for me! I can run and run
through the dining room to the kitchen to the living room to the dining room -
round and round. So I stay in shape, they included obstacle courses
throughout so I stay quick on my feet - it's great!
Mom hasn't seen the Puppy Kindergarten video yet, so she's been a little
difficult to train, but she's doing ok. She allowed me to enjoy all the
rooms of the house, so I'm completely confused on the litterbox potty place.
She's been taking me outside and that is so much fun! I have potty out
there and everyone is happy. Plus I get to smell all the smells and play
with all the outdoor toys. Our yard has thousands of outdoor toys!
Every time I go out there I find something new!
I've been sleeping in my crate - my special place with my new buddy
I just love him - we have so much fun together. He's a lot bigger than
back home Pepin, but fun just the same.
Well, Mom's tapping her foot wanting to use her computer, so I gotta go...
Hugs and kisses to all!
Love, your Colorado son, Majik
